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Joanna Jaworska

Dancer, choreographer, actress. She cooperates with Theatre in Rzeszów, she has danced in the following productions: "Koniec, początek – soma” / "The end, the beginning - SOMA" (2018), "Macondo" (2010) and "Harey", choreographed by Marta Bury. Dancer of Pracownia Fizyczna (Physical Studio), run by Jacek Owczarek in Lodz. During the work of the group, she has danced in the performances "Meandrująca rzeka” / ”Meandering River", "A3" and "Re:akcja” / ”Re:action", presented at the Polish Dance Platform. She has cooperated with choreographers from Poland and abroad, among others as a dancer with Rosanna Gamson World Wide (Los Angeles), as an assistant to choreographer Robert M. Hayden in the second installment of the "Oratorium Dance Project" of the CHOREA Theatre, in the performative project "Topologie” / ”Topologies" by the French group Les gens d'Uterpan. Originator of the performance "ĆMY" / ”MOTHS”, which she created together with three dancers of Pracownia Fizyczna. Dancer in the performance "Matryca [Prześwit 1/8]" / ”Stencil [Clearance 1/8]", directed by Paweł Grala, awarded in ”The Best Off” competition for the best Polish independent theatre performance. She created or co-created the choreography for CHOREA Theatre performances: " Metaphysical mini-opera”, "Salto mortale", "me, god", "Schulz: Scraps", Schulz: Loop". She is a dancer and actress in CHOREA Theatre performances: "Oratorium Dance Project", " Metaphysical mini-opera", "Tragedy of John", "Locked in a tower") Co-organizer of interdisciplinary improvisation meetings KIPISZ in Lodz. She teaches dance and movement. She performs, improvises, and as far as dance is concerned, she is fascinated in intuition, energy flow, and work on conscious being in her own body.