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Jola Królicka

Ar­tist, vi­su­al ar­tist, edu­ca­tor, cre­ator of mul­ti­ple sta­ge de­si­gns for con­certs and events, dra­wing ar­tist. She de­als with ar­ti­stic hand­cra­fts, con­ducts edu­ca­tio­nal and in­te­gra­tion art work­shops for non-di­sa­bled and di­sa­bled chil­dren and young adults. She car­ries out art clas­ses for chil­dren and adults at the Po­le­ski Art Cen­ter in Łódź. As a part of the "Cre­ati­ve Art Work­shops in the Art Fac­to­ry in Łódź" she runs fa­mi­ly and cross-ge­ne­ra­tio­nal clas­ses. As an il­lu­stra­tor, she co-ope­ra­tes with Po­lish Na­tio­nal Te­le­vi­sion cre­ating TV show: "Su­peł­ko­we ABC" ("The ABC Knots") aimed at he­aring im­pa­ired chil­dren. She is the au­thor of the sce­no­gra­phy for the fol­lo­wing plays: "Żar­ty te­atral­ne" / "The­atre Jo­kes" (2018), "Mia­sto" / "The City” (2019), "Rój. Se­kret­ne ży­cie spo­łecz­ne" / "The Hive. A Se­cret So­cial Life" (2019), "iGe­ne­ra­tion?" (2020), "Good Mor­ning Pin­ky Mo­use!" (2021), "A good hu­mo­ur shop" (2021) made in CHO­REA The­atre.