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Maciej Maciaszek

An unconventional trumpeter, singer, musician, self-taught composer, actor. He began his musical education in the Grójec Fire Brigade Orchestra. However, it was not the solemn marches that captured him, but Jazz, whose theory he began to secretly explore. As a would-be Polish and Indian philologist, he dropped out of college, just to jump on alternative musical toplists, by performing music form few thousand years ago, along with the musical formation 'The Ancient Orchestra'. He became an actor when it turned out that 'The Ancient Orchestra' music group was in fact a camouflaged theatre collective. In the newly formed CHOREA Theatre Association as an actor, musician and composer, he insistently tried to smuggle the themes and threads of the so-called entertainment music, to ultimately contribute to the creation of a subversive project 'Antiquity/Trans/Formation'. As he does not go to the church nor the Philharmonics, in the 'Oratory Dance Project' as a composer he became a representative of the excluded culture from before Christ and Bach. He still hopes that it is possible to civilize a barbarian... or maybe to barbarize the Civilization?