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Małgorzata Jabłońska

Lec­tu­rer and re­se­ar­cher of per­for­ming arts and cul­tu­ral stu­dies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Łódź. De­als with the hi­sto­ry and pro­ble­ma­tics of ac­tors tra­ining (with par­ti­cu­lar em­pha­sis on Vse­vo­lod Mey­er­hold's Bio­me­cha­nics), of body-ba­sed non-ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion stra­te­gies in the­atre, and the hi­sto­ry of Po­lish al­ter­na­ti­ve the­atre. Fo­un­ding mem­ber of CHO­REA The­atre As­so­cia­tion and co-au­thor of the hand­bo­ok "Ac­tors phy­si­cal tra­ining. From in­di­vi­du­al to gro­up ac­tions" (2015). Mem­ber of the Po­lish The­atre Re­se­arch So­cie­ty, the Na­tion­wi­de The­ater OF­Fen­si­ve, and the In­ter­na­tio­nal Plat­form for Per­for­mer Tra­ining. Mem­ber of the re­se­arch team of the Mi­ni­stry of Edu­ca­tion and Scien­ce grant "Safe Spa­ce. Good prac­ti­ces and to­ols for the trans­for­ma­tion of the­atre edu­ca­tion" at the The­atre Aca­de­my in War­saw, and the Ja­giel­lo­nian Uni­ver­si­ty grant of Stra­te­gic Pro­grams Excel­len­ce In­i­tia­ti­ve "Vio­len­ce in the­atre - prac­ti­ces, di­sco­ur­ses, al­ter­na­ti­ves". Se­lec­tor of the Di­vi­ne Co­me­dy Fe­sti­val.