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Paweł Głowaty

Ac­tor, gra­du­ate of the Leon Schil­ler Na­tio­nal Film Scho­ol in Łódź at the Ac­ting De­part­ment. Prior to his stu­dies, he had been as­so­cia­ted with a dan­ce the­atre. He had ta­ken part in the per­for­man­ces of the Nar­vas The­atre by Ar­tur Stel­ma­czo­nek such as, among others, "Ni­ja­ki, mę­ski, żeń­ski" [transl. Neu­ter, Ma­scu­li­ne, Fe­mi­ni­ne"] and "Po­ry­wa­cze ciał" [transl. "Body snat­chers”]. He co­ope­ra­ted with stu­dents and gra­du­ates of the AST Na­tio­nal Aca­de­my of The­atre Arts in Kra­ków at the De­part­ment of Dan­ce The­atre. He took part in a mo­ve­ment mi­nia­tu­re di­rec­ted by Woj­ciech Cho­wa­niec and cho­re­ogra­phed by Jan Lo­rys, as well as in the per­for­man­ce "It’s all abo­ut bra­ve­ry" cho­re­ogra­phed by Ka­ta­rzy­na Ba­ran, which was pro­du­ced in co­ope­ra­tion with the Mo­vytz Dan­ce The­atre and Skin the cat. Gło­wa­ty also di­rec­ted his own pie­ces, for exam­ple the per­for­man­ce "Sen Ma­łe­go Kró­la, któ­ry nig­dy nie był Księ­ciem" [transl. The Dre­am of a Lit­tle King who was ne­ver a Prin­ce] ba­sed on "The Stran­ger" by Al­bert Ca­mus, which won the En­tree Com­pe­ti­tion or­ga­ni­sed by the Roz­ryw­ka The­atre in Cho­rzów. The­re, as a part of his re­si­den­cy, he di­rec­ted the play "Pa­łac lo­do­wy" [transl. The Ice Pa­la­ce] ba­sed on the Ter­jei Ve­sa­as’s po­etic tale with same ti­tle. Du­ring the time of his stu­dent’s time he also co­ope­ra­ted with Mar­cin Brzo­zow­ski and fel­low stu­dents on the play "Tech­ni­ka punk­tu świetl­ne­go" [transl. The po­int of li­ght tech­ni­que] ba­sed on the works by Phi­lip Di­mi­tri Ga­las. The per­for­man­ce was a suc­cess at the Mol­da­vian and Ro­ma­nian Fe­sti­vals. Gło­wa­ty col­la­bo­ra­tes with CHO­REA The­atre and has been en­ga­ged in the "Tra­ge­dia Jana" pro­duc­tion di­rec­ted by Wal­de­mar Raź­niak. The per­for­man­ce is the pri­ze win­ner of the Po­lish The­atre 2019 re­per­to­ire, as well as the 2018/19 Gol­den Mask win­ner. Cur­ren­tly, he is as­so­cia­ted with Na­tio­nal The­atre in War­saw. In 2022 he directed the performance "Me, Feuerbach", based on drama by Tankret Dorst, in terms of Przestrzenie Sztuki Project.