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Dorota Porowska

Actress, theatre director, choreographer, theatre workshop instructor, academic lecturer. Leading member of Centre for Theatre Practices 'Gardzienice' in 1984-2003. Leader of theatrical workshops in Royal Shakespeare Company, at the Acting Departments Columbia on Stanford University and in the Institute of Meyerhold in Moscow. In 2002 co-created a dance group 'Labyrinth Dances'. CHOREA Theatre Association co-founder and member since 2004. Constantly works as an educator running workshops for students of theater and cultural studies at the Universities in Poznan, Lodz, Wroclaw, Lublin, Warsaw and School of Theater in Liège (Belgium). In her artistic biography, apart from acting and directing theatre performances, she is occupied with analytical work on human creativity and perception, and the mechanisms which control our way of being in a separated space dedicated to the creative act. It is an unusual and very concrete space, natural for everyone, and it is worth visiting.... from time to time.