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Homepage / About us / Team / Magdalena Paszkiewicz

Magdalena Paszkiewicz

Dancer, choreographer, Master of Physics, Doctor of Economics, modern dance instructor, senior lecturer at PWSZ (State College of Applied Sciences) in Skierniewice. Head of PRO Dance Theatre at Lodz Community Centre (since 1998 she has been connected with PRO Dance Theatre as a dancer). Major premieres, direction, co-choreography and dance: "Border Line" 2007 (directorial debut), "Roboczogodziny, czyli Kobiecość Krańcowa" / ”Man-hours, that is Extreme Femininity” 2009, "Historie być może prawdziwe" / ”Stories That Might be Real” 2012, "Wióry lecą!" / ”Breaking eggs!” 2012, "Pokojówki" / ”Maids” 2013. Actress of the Theatre of Several People. Premieres: directed by M. Glinkowski: "Słowa pomieszane ze snami" / ”Words Mingled with Dreams” (based on prose poetry by Zbigniew Herbert) 2010; "Orfeusz" / ”Orpheus” (stage adaptation of a poem by Czesław Miłosz ”Orpheus and Eurydice” and texts by Virgil, Herbert and R.M.Rilke) 2012. Director and choreographerof CHOREA Theatre performances: ”Vidomi” (2014), “Brzydal” / ”The Ugly” (2013), monodrama “Upadek. Psycho-Somatic-Gaym” / ”Fall. Psychosomatic-Gaym” (2010), ”Ciemność. To co jest ukryte” / ”Darkness. What is Hidden” (2017), ”Rój. Sekretne życie społeczne” / ”The Hive. Secret Social Life” (2018). Creator of choreographic workshops for blind and visually impaired teenagers during such projects as ”Art-Impulsy” / ”Art-Impulses” (2014), “Vidomi-Kontynuacje” / ”Vidomi-Continuation” (2015). Dance instructor in the project ”Jak w ulu!” / ”As in Hive!” (2018). Workshop instructor in two editions of educational and artistic project "Laboratorium Kreatywnego Działania” / ”Laboratory of Creative Actions", led by CHOREA Theatre.


Photo: Edyta Dufaj