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Homepage / About us / Team / Wiktor Moraczewski

Wiktor Moraczewski

Cultural and theatre expert and teacher, graduate of Cultural Studies and Theatre Studies at the University of Lodz (Theatre in Contemporary Culture, Department of Drama and Theatre). Between the years 2014-2017 he cooperated with Górna Culture Centre in Lodz, where he co-organized, participated and developed Polish and international projects - like 'Radar' (2017), created by a method of Sensory Labirynth Theatre, of which he is a certified instructor. He gained experience and an european certificate in this field by participating in international theatre project 'Ritual Beyond Roots' held as part of the Erasmus+ program in Romania, and during international projects like 'Calypso - il teatro per il sociale' in Italy. Between the years 2015-2018 he cooperated with the Foundation - Theatre Institute of Mieczysław Hertz in Lodz. In 2016 he was adapting the text and creating dramaturgy for a performance of Anna Cichy-Fatyga 'Towards a Big Sea', directed by Jacek Orłowski. His involvement with the Institute spanned onto the preparation of the photo exhibition entitled “7.15 p.m.” within the framework of ”"(m)Łodzi” project. The exhibition was part of his BA dissertation („Teatr 7.15 of Grand Hotel in Łódź. Project description”), written under the supervision of professor Małgorzata Leyko. The dissertation covered the history of theatres located in the Grand Hotel of Łódź. The second part of this exhibition was presented in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki duringThe National Theatre Festival Perspektywy 2017: Theatre - the avant-garde in action, and also during the 3rd Congress of Polish Theatre Studies Society. Has been working with Teatr CHOREA in Łódź since 2017 on various artistic, educational and social initiatives. And so he dedicated his MA thesis to this theatrical group (“Fifteen years of Teatr Chorea. The operation between the years 2004-2019”). He was the scriptwriter of the following performances staged for CHOREA Theatre: "Darkness. What is hidden"(directed by Janusz Adam Biedrzycki and Magdalena Paszkiewicz, created with the participation of youth with visual impairments, 2017), “The Hive. Secret Social life” (performance meant for children, youth and adults, 2018), “iGeneration?”(the performance with the participation of Youth Theatre Group, 2020). As an directors assistant and actor he participated in the performance of “Tragedy of John” (production of CHOREA Theeatre and Warsaw Theatre Association, 2018, directed by Waldemar Raźniak). He was also an animator at the theatrical and literature workshops within the framework of “Jak w ulu!” educational and integration project (CHOREA Theatre, 2018) “Laboratorium Kreatywnego Działania” educational project (CHOREA Theatre, 2019, 2020, 2021). In his role of a theatre teacher he has cooperated with pre-schools and schools of the Łódź area. Between the years 2019-2020 he cooperated with the Teachers’ Club in Łódź where he conducted classes in theatre and literature studies meant for teachers. Since the beginning of his studies he has been very active as a critic of festival magazines published during the following theatre events: Łódzki Festiwal Szkół Teatralnych and Ogólnopolski Festiwal Teatru Młodych „Dziatwa”. He published his texts in the following Łódź newspapers - “Kalejdoskop” and “Dziennik Łódzki”. He is the co-author of the publication on 15 years of CHOREA Theatre.


Photo: Edyta Dufaj