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CHOREA Theatre Choir

CHOREA Theatre Choir (before The Great Choir of Young CHOREA) is a musical and vocal band, which was founded in summer 2011, in CHOREA Theatre in Lodz, during the preparations of "Oratorium Dance Project". This is a group of music enthusiasts, which are different in age, experience, interests and backgrounds, but the have one great common passion for music and singing.


Watch the trailer of "Songs of the World"


Watch the trailer of "Spojrzystość"


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Choir leader: Tomasz Krzyżanowski

Choir: Elizabet Araj, Maciej Bednarek, Joanna Chmielecka, Jacek Czapnik, Joanna Filarska, Sandra Gierzek, Barbara Guzek, Katarzyna Haniszewska, Dominika Jarosz, Michalina Jędrzejczak, Majka Justyna, Joanna Kłos, Marcin Kobyliński, Milena Kranik, Anna Przybyt, Anna Redlin, Aleksandra Rutowicz, Justyna Sobieraj-Bednarek, Marta Sterna, Aleksandra Szałek, Elina Toneva, Paulina Tralewska, Jacek Witych


The Great Choir of Young CHOREA has 5 concert proposals in its repertoire:

Concert "Songs of the World"

"Songs of the World" are inspired by musical traditions of various corners of the world. During the concert, the Choir presents a real fusion of sounds, rhythms, voices, colours and emotions. They take the audience in a journey full of Finnish ballades, Byzantium anthems, and sephardic songs. The audience experiences energetic Brasilian rhythms, Greek peans, Balkan multi-voice songs, as well as heartbreaking stories in Yiddish or vivid flamenco tunes.

Concert "Wind from the South”

The repertoire of the concert "Wind from the South" is created form new arrangements of traditional melodies from around the world. This time we were looking for the inspirations in the southern sounds and traditional songs from the Balkans and Bulgaria. Once again we reach the old tunes, trying to discover their forgotten power and importance. With the new polyphonic arrangements, we are trying to reach out into the living sources of songs from the past. The audience gets the chance to enjoy a unique and energetic show.

Concert "Engi Vengi"

“Engi vengi vitelengi” is another musical proposal of the Great Choir of Young CHOREA. This time, we are going to draw on the Balkan music repertoire. During the concert, we are going to perform, among other things, traditional Bulgarian songs from western Bulgaria and Rhodope Mountains. The concert will not lack Macedonian accents. We are going to hear some polyphony and dissonance, flirtatious as well as wistful songs, and, most of all, a great variety of ornaments and odd rhythms.

Concert "Spojrzystość / Glancesness"

"Spojrzystość" is a concert inspired by texts of famous Polish poet - Boleslaw Lesmian. The concert is created with polyphonic compositions, based on complex rhythmic structures. Rhythm and musicality are the most important categories in Lesmian's texts - they both create an inseparable and harmonious whole with the poetic word. They create incredibly sensual images and reveal very sensitive soul of their creator. Beautifully performed vocal and choral parts are joined with elements of body percussion. The choral voices are supported by the hypnotic sounds of viola (Paweł Odorowicz), and ambient sounds of guitar (Maciej Staniecki). Together they create an oneiric and mystic world, filled with the most honest and pure human emotions and desires.

Concert "CHOREA. The Night of Music"

"CHOREA. Noc Muzyki" / "CHOREA. The Night of Music" is a concert lasting a few hours, an event with audience active participation. It draws on CHOREA Theatre and CHOREA Theatre Choir most important achievements from the past 15 years. Noc muzyki (en. the night of music) is an event extraordinary from many angles and its form is going to resemble a symposium at which music, tales, food and wine will all mix. Some of the tracks will be arranged so that the audience would be able to be creative and take part in the concert and perform vocal, rhythmic, body percussion and even dance pieces. The concert will be performed by the artists from the CHOREA Theatre, musicians associated with the Theatre, CHOREA Theatre Choir and invited guests.

CHOREA Theatre Choir also participates in CHOREA Theatre projects, concerts and performances like: "Lullabies", "The Bacchae", "Szpera 42", "To die in Athens", „Dialogus de Passione”, "DERBY.Białoczerwoni", "Fortell Livet / Powiedz życie". Moreover the choir took part in recording musical albums: "Lullabies" (2015), "L.Story" (2017), "Wola życia" (2018).