
Homepage / News / December 2019

Concerts of CHOREA Theatre Choir

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Festiwal Showcase WertepExpo, Sejny / Łódzki Dom Kultury | Concert

W grudniu zapraszamy na dwa wyjątkowe koncerty "Pieśni Świata", w wykonaniu Chóru Teatru CHOREA!

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Performance "Salto mortale" in Sejny

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Festiwal Showcase WertepEXPO, Sejny | Performance

Performance "Salto mortale" created by Majka Justyna from CHOREA Theatre, in terms of Festiwal Showcase WertepEXPO in Sejny.


Chorea Theatre in Sweden

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Teater Slava | Workshops

In December 9-14, 2019, CHOREA Theatre visited Slava Theatre in Huddinge near Stockholm in Sweden. During the trip, CHOREA artists together with artists from Slava leaded an intensive, weekly session of theatre and music workshops for Swedish theater groups, including: Jelnek Dance Company, Livet Bitch and Mosaikteatern. The workshops were finished  with a work demonstration open to the public, and with a common meeting and conversation between the artists and the viewers.

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Premiere of performance "Salto mortale"

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Art_Inkubatro in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz | Performance

Premiere of performance "Salto mortale" created by Majka Justyna from CHOREA Theatre, created in terms of Artistic Scholarship of the Presidenta of the city of Lodz.

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Creative Workshops in Fabryka Sztuki in December

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Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz | Workshops

W grudniu zapraszamy do Fabryki Sztuki w Łodzi na cykl świetnych Twórczych Warsztatów dla dzieci, młodzieży, dorosłych i całych rodzin, prowadzonych przez wspaniałych instruktorów! Sprawdźcie harmonogram, zanotujcie daty i rezerwujcie miejsca!

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Performance "Tragedy of John" in Rzeszów

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Teatr Maska w Rzeszowie | Workshops

We invite you to the performance "Tragedy of John" by CHOREA Theatre, directed by Waldemar Raźniak, in terms of Festiwalu Nowego Teatru, 58. Rzeszowskie Spotkania Teatralne, OFF-Konteksty, organized by Teatr Wandy Siemaszkowej in Rzeszow.
