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Bulgarian dance and singing workshops

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CHOREA Theatre | Workshops

Intensive Bulgarian dance and singing workshops with Elina Toneva

23.01.2016, h. 14.00-19.00
24.01.2016, h. 11.00-16.00

place: Teatr CHOREA, sala warsztatowa w budynku Fabryki Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymenieckiego 3

cost: 90 pln

reservation: +48 501 579 204

Elina Toneva
Born in Sofia (Bulgaria). Graduated from Graphic Design Faculty in the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. Instructor of Sport and Recreation in Academy of Physical Education in Poznan. Instructor of Krav Maga – Israeli self-defense and combat system. Training expert of marshal arts, combat and self-defense systems. One of the founders of “Ancient Orchestra” – musical project in Center of Theatre Practices Gardzienice. Member of CHOREA Theatre since 2004. Instructor of traditional Balkan vocal and dance techniques. Theatre workshop leader, physical theatre training specialist, vocalist, actress, performer.


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