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Homepage / News / CHOREA awarded with "Punkt dla Łodzi"!

CHOREA awarded with "Punkt dla Łodzi"!

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Punkt dla Łodzi | Project

CHOREA Theatre was awarded with "Punkt dla Łodzi", for creating a site-specific performance: "Człowiek niepodległy", in terms of 113 anniversary of 1905 Revolution and Lodz Uprising, organized by Klub Krytyki Politycznej in Lodz, in cooperation with: historical group "Łodzianka", Warszawski Chór Rewolucyjny "Warszawianka", Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny, Wrocławski Chór Rewolucyjny. 

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Retroperspektywy 2018 International Theatre Festival

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CHOREA Theatre | Workshops

We would like e to invite for a press meeting concerning our International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2018 - Theatre between Words, on 26 June 2018 (Tuesday), at 11:00 am, in Format Club&Cafe, in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz, (building A), on 3 Tymienieckiego Street.

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Site-specific performance „1905. Człowiek niepodległy”

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Piotrkowska Street, Lodz | Project

We invite to a site-specific performance: "Człowiek niepodległy", in terms of 113 anniversary of 1905 Revolution and Lodz Uprising, created by CHOREA Theatre, organized by Klub Krytyki Politycznej in Lodz, in cooperation with: historical group "Łodzianka", Warszawski Chór Rewolucyjny "Warszawianka", Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny, Wrocławski Chór Rewolucyjny. 

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CHOREA Theatre Workshops in Lithuania

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Klaipeda, Lithuania | Workshops

On 17th-21st June 2018 CHOREA Theatre leaded an intensive workshop session, in terms of "Polish Theatre Days” during II International Theatre Festival TheATRIUM 2018 in Drama Theatre in Klaipeda in Lithuania.