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Miłosz in Living Pictures

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Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz | Performance

On 7th and 8th March 2015 at 7 p.m. on the Scene of Art_Inkubator, CHOREA Theatre organises a spectacle „Milosz in living pictures” - a surprising hybrid of words, images and music created by musician Pawel Odorowicz and visual artist Robert Motyka.
duration: 55 min.
tickets: 20 PLN
information/reservation: chorea.warsztaty@gmail.com

"Miłosz in Living Pictures" is a spectacle that combines art, music and poetry into one mesmerising piece. Stunning 3D visuals and seductive string music inspired by the poetry of Czesław Miłosz, Polish Nobel Prize winner, make up an interesting and unique project created by the composer and violinist, Paweł Odorowicz and the visual artist, Robert Motyka.

Poetry: Czeslaw Milosz
Music: Paweł Odorowicz,
Audio visuals: Robert Motyka

Watch the trailer of the performance - click here
Watch films about creating the performance - film I / film II / film III
See the photos form the performance - photos I / photos II
Read the review about the performance, by Katarzyna Kokowska - click here


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