On December 13th, 2022, we start a unique project “Re:source! Ukraine which aims to support forcibly displaced Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals to re-establish their careers in the European context.
To ensure better inclusivity of Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals in European contexts, the project includes: - 3 networking events for artists and cultural professionals "Let's meet up!"/ 13.12.2022 / 10.01.2023 / 7.02.2023 /
- 2 cycles of creative workshops "Welcoming cities" / 16-18.12.2022 / 28-29.01.2023 /
- artistic events dedicated to the local community but first of all to the Ukrainian community based in Lodz
The summary of the project will take place in February/ March and will include several events by Ukranian artists and promote them to the Ukrainian audience in Europe and the local audiences.
TEH EastHub coordinates the project, and the lead partners are TEH members: сultural center Malý Berlín (Slovakia).
Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi is one of the seventh of international organizations included in the project.
The partner of Lodz edition is Łódzkie Centrum Wielokulturowe.
"Resource! Ukraine" project is funded by The Swedish Institute.
Find more information at: https://easthub.teh.net/re-source-ukraine/