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Ashtanga Yoga Workshops

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CHOREA Theatre | Workshops

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dinamic form of yoga, which joins breathing with movement. Movent in the rhythm of breath helps to activate the process of intensive cleansing of the body and releasing toxisns accumulated both in the surface layers of tissues as well as in the deep layers of muscles and internal organs. By practicing Ashtanga Yoga, we purify not only the body. During the practice we are also releasing the impurities and blockages in the sphere of the mind and emotions. We remove the barriers.


10.00 - 11.00 Vinyasa
15.00 - 18.00 Vinyasa in The Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga

14.00 - 16.00 The Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. Workshop ended with Pranayama.

Information / rezervation: suryanefer@gmail.com 
Cost: 1 day: 70 PLN, 2 days: PLN zł
Place: Teatr CHOREA (sala warsztatowa), Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3 

The workshop will be lead by Ewa Makowska - experienced Ashtanga Yoga instructor.


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'Ło Matko Polko' Workshops

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Art Factory in Lodz | Workshops

'Ło Matko Polko!' project is a series of animation activities such as workshops, creative meetings, joint exhibition visiting and movies watching aimed mainly to parents and children aged 0-3 years. We would like to invite mothers and fathers with children 0+ for each event. We will run 'Baby Cafe' on teh spot, in which the participants will be able to drink herbal tea or coffee and to meet other parents.


'Play(ing) Mr Cogito games' in Art_Inkubator

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Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz | Performance

date: 18.04.2015
hour: 18:00
place: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, 3 Tymienieckiego Street
tickets: 20 PLN / 25 PLN
information / rezervation: chorea.warsztaty@gmail.com

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Start of "TAKE OVER" project

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CHOREA Theatre | Project

The project Take Over: “Seeing young audiences through young people’s eyes” gathers British Council (UK), Bios (Greece), Chorea Theatre (Poland), Zaduzbina Ilije M. Kolarca (Serbia – “Kolarac”), and Teatro Limonaia (Italy), all organisations active in performing arts, driven by a strong desire to connect or re-connect with young adults (age 18-25) in an effort to engage with a wider and more diverse audience. During the project, the partners will re-imagine artistic programmes from the point of view of younger generations, making a lasting impact on staff and how they involve, engage with and attract young audiences as well as an eye-opening and learning experience for the young participants.