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Performance "On The Other Side" in Art_Inkubator

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Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz | Performance

04.10.2014, h. 20:00
05.10.2014, h. 19:00
rezervation: chorea.warsztaty@gmail com

"On The Other Side"

Director: Ewgienij Korniag
Set designer: Tatiana Niersisian
Music: Ewgienij Korniag, Kuba Pałys
Joanna Chmielecka, Anna Gaspadaryk, Julia Jakubowska, Milena Kranik, Małgorzata Lipczyńska, Dorota Porowska, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Kuba Krzewiński, Maksim Szyszko
Premiere: 25.08.2014, Retroperspectives Festival, Art_Inkubator in Art Factory, Lodz

The director’s idea is focused around the notion of a border. However, this is not a play about the external aspects of this problem, but about the borders that decide what is visible inside a human. It is about the borders that are stronger than physical or territorial hindrances. About the borders that are hard to move, break, destroy. It is about the borders that limit people in their thinking, acts and desires.

Home, town, country, world – they all have their borders. What happens to a man who comes from the ordinary “here and now” into a new, strange place? Is the change of citizenship only a legal act? How do we act in relation to the Other One? Is our communication based on openness or usurpation of borders? Where is the line between the public and the private? Between the local and the global? Between normal and weird? Between freedom and imprisonment? Between war and peace? Between body and soul? Carnality and elevation? Everyone can continue this series and direct these questions against themselves.


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