Homepage / News / Performance "The Hive. Secret Social life" in Lublin

Performance "The Hive. Secret Social life" in Lublin

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Centrum Kultury in Lublin | Performance

We invite to the performance "The Hive. Secret social life" in Centrum Kultury w Lublinie. 

date: 24.02.2019 (Sunday)
time 16:00
date: 25.02.2019 (Monday)
time: 9:00, 11:00
place: Sala Widowiskowa, Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
tickets: 20 pln
duration: 60 minutes (no intermissions)
viewers' age: 6+

more info: 

The performance "The Hive. Secret social life" is a story about social roles, family ties, religious subordination, and love manipulation, which provide a source of in-depth knowledge about analogies between the human world and the world of bees. The protagonists of the show are participants in events showing the often hidden recesses of the human psyche, the heartbreaking tragedy of everyday life and the passion that gives strength to fight adversities.

The performance builds a story about extraordinary insects, about their unique and mysterious world, propagating respect for nature and care for human civilization.



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