371862553 1284759359029672 6668346192613568803 n
371123609 1284759922362949 2221522949664237689 n
371847610 1284760095696265 7361230855580152894 n
371770926 1284760035696271 3817414950628706967 n
371805391 1284759745696300 8767363509097857620 n
371907373 1284759512362990 6565871591035668533 n
371759418 1284759735696301 5330012284707654927 n
371831379 1284759872362954 2186222960697585507 n
371782451 1284759925696282 3958715091998131153 n
371822170 1284760279029580 5064395121699102402 n
370976321 1284760265696248 6718983219501614710 n
371139803 1284759665696308 4564052358842473048 n
371124555 1284759809029627 2222835285695398481 n
371778014 1284760509029557 2410349665604478432 n
371780948 1284759692362972 4533328333023792933 n
371847560 1284760465696228 2168544125148434391 n
Homepage / Concerts / Current repertoire / Livet


Cre­ators: Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki w Ło­dzi / Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz, Te­atr CHO­REA / CHO­REA The­atre, Vi­sjo­ner Te­ater

Di­rec­tion: Erik Hil­le­stad, Juni Dahr, To­masz Ro­do­wicz

Mu­sic di­rec­tion: Piotr Kli­mek

Mu­sic di­rec­tor as­si­stant: Ma­ciej Cem­pu­ra

Po­etry te­xts: Nils-Aslak Val­ke­apää  / Po­lish trans­la­tion: Ju­sty­na Cze­chow­ska

Sce­no­gra­phy, co­stu­mes: Mar­ta Góźdź - El Bruz­da

So­und: Va­dim Ra­di­she­vskiy

Pro­du­cer: Ola Shaya

Cho­ir: Ma­ciej Bed­na­rek, Maja Ca­ban, Jo­an­na Chmie­lec­ka, Ar­tur Chrza­now­ski, Zo­ry­ana Dy­bo­vska, Jo­an­na Fi­lar­ska, Łu­kasz Fi­li­pow, Mi­chał Jóź­wik, Mar­cin Ko­by­liń­ski, Ewa Łu­ka­sie­wicz, Ju­sty­na So­bie­raj-Bed­na­rek, Ma­ciej Sta­niec­ki, Eli­na To­ne­va

Mu­si­cians: Tord Gu­sta­vsen (pia­no), Mar­ja Mor­tens­son (vo­cal), Eivind Aar­set (gu­itar), Tore Brun­borg (te­nor sa­xo­pho­ne), Hu­bert Ze­mler (per­cus­sion), Piotr Ro­do­wicz (do­uble bass)

Pre­mie­re: Au­gust 27, 2023, In­ter­na­tio­nal The­atre Fe­sti­val Re­tro­per­spek­ty­wy

Du­ra­tion: 90 mi­nu­tes

Vie­wers' age: no li­mi­ta­tions




„Li­vet” (“Life” in Nor­we­gian) is an in­ter­na­tio­nal mu­si­cal and the­atri­cal pro­ject car­ried out in 2023 by Art Fac­to­ry (Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki) in Łódź as part of ACT_IN_OUT pro­ject, fi­nan­ced by Ice­land, Lich­ten­ste­in and Nor­way, wi­thin the fra­me­work of Eu­ro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area and Nor­way grants. 


The aim of this pro­ject is an en­co­un­ter of four cul­tu­res and four dif­fe­rent mu­si­cal tra­di­tions, re­vo­lving aro­und a com­mon mot­to, expres­sing care for our pla­net. „Li­vet” is a con­tem­po­ra­ry ora­to­rio for the Earth, com­po­sed and ar­ran­ged by Piotr Kli­mek for four so­lo­ists, a cho­ir con­si­sting of twe­lve sin­gers and a 5-mem­ber jazz band of Po­lish and Nor­we­gian ori­gin. This mu­sic is in­spi­red by tra­di­tio­nal songs from Bul­ga­ria, Ukra­ine, Po­land and Nor­way. Se­lec­ted mu­si­cal plots of four Eu­ro­pe­an tra­di­tions tell abo­ut an unbre­aka­ble bond be­twe­en a hu­man be­ing and na­tu­re and are all abo­ut ta­king care of our pla­net and un­cer­ta­in­ty abo­ut the su­rvi­val of man­kind. We wo­uld like to re­mind our­se­lves and the li­ste­ners that we have got not much time left to re­spect and che­rish life on this pla­net. 


The fol­lo­wing mu­si­cians con­fir­med the­ir par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the pro­ject: Tord Gu­sta­vsen, Eivind Aar­set and Tore Brun­borg from Nor­way, Hu­bert Ze­mler and Piotr Ro­do­wicz from Po­land. Solo parts will be sung by: Eli­na To­ne­va (Bul­ga­ria), Zo­ria­na Dy­bo­vska (Ukra­ine), Mar­ja Mor­tens­son (Nor­way). Bi­lin­gu­al nar­ra­tion will be con­duc­ted by an out­stan­ding Vi­sjo­ner Te­ater ac­tress - Juni Dahr, and CHO­REA The­atre di­rec­tor - To­masz Ro­do­wicz.


The show's re­le­ase will take pla­ce in Łódź on Au­gust 27, 2023, at a con­cert hall of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic in Łódź, du­ring the fi­na­le of the In­ter­na­tio­nal The­atre Fe­sti­val Re­tro­per­spek­ty­wy 2023: GE­NE­RA­TIONS. The mu­sic will be re­cor­ded in the stu­dio in Sep­tem­ber 2023. The con­cert will be per­for­med live for the se­cond time in st. Ja­cob’s church in Oslo.




Con­cert cre­ated and pre­sen­ted in terms of „ACT IN_OUT” Pro­ject, or­ga­ni­sed by Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz, in co­ope­ra­tion with CHO­REA The­atre form Lodz and Vi­sjo­ner Te­ater from Oslo, thanks to a grant form Nor­way Grants and EEA (Eu­ro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area). Wor­king to­ge­ther for a gre­en, com­pe­ti­ti­ve and in­c­lu­si­ve Eu­ro­pe.


Pro­ject fi­nan­ced by the Mi­ni­stry of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge.


Pro­ject co-fi­nan­ced by the City of Łódź.