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Homepage / Performances / Current repertoire / Pause


Cre­ators: CHO­REA The­atre In­ter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal Gro­up

Di­rec­tion: Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki

Mu­sic: Mi­chał Rud­kow­ski

Li­ght: To­masz Kru­kow­ski, Ma­ciej Ko­bal­czyk

So­und: Mar­cin Do­bi­jań­ski, Ka­rol Skrzy­piec

Cast: Ob­sa­da: Bar­ba­ra Cał­ka-Li­sek, Lu­cy­na Przy­byl­ska, Ha­li­na Ka­czo­row­ska, Na­ta­lia Arab­ska, Zo­fia Kę­dra, Ana­sta­zja, Gra­ży­na Koł­to­nik, Mag­da­le­na Knyt, Li­lian­na Fi­lip­czak, Bar­ba­ra Iże­li, Ali­cja Kaź­mier­ska, Jo­lan­ta Szad­kow­ska, Anna Gra­bow­ska Alek­san­dra Zio­mek, Róża Ku­ba­sie­wicz, Mi­cha­li­na Lesz­kie­wicz, Alek­san­dra Pi­han

Pre­mie­re: 24.08.2024, In­ter­na­tio­nal The­atre Fe­sti­val Re­tro­per­spek­ty­wy, Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Du­ra­tion: 50 mi­nu­tes (no in­ter­mis­sions)

Vie­wers' age: 15+





Fa­ster, har­der, qu­ic­ker, big­ger.

Fa­ster, har­der, qu­ic­ker, big­ger...

Are we ali­ve or asle­ep?


The con­tem­po­ra­ry sta­te of hu­ma­ni­ty in the world is the re­sult of many pro­ces­ses. We are en­tan­gled in and de­pen­dent on ci­vi­li­sa­tio­nal de­ve­lop­ment. Ho­we­ver, is the pace of such func­tio­ning ri­ght? Is a per­son still able to stop for a mo­ment and JUST BE? Each of us han­dles in­di­vi­du­al­ly this pace of func­tio­ning, but we are all sub­jec­ted to so­cial in­flu­en­ces that stan­dar­di­se our exi­sten­ce in so­cie­ty. We ad­opt pat­terns of be­ha­vio­ur which are in a way im­po­sed by the so­cie­ty aro­und us.


The so­cial evo­lu­tion of hu­ma­ni­ty aims at the su­rvi­val and im­pro­ve­ment of the li­ving con­di­tions of both in­di­vi­du­als and gro­ups. Hu­man ca­pi­tal in the form of know­led­ge and in­for­ma­tion, in­cre­ases with each ge­ne­ra­tion. This kind of de­ve­lop­ment is an act that ga­ins spe­ed and mass, but not wi­tho­ut con­se­qu­en­ces. The excess of sti­mu­li and the in­ten­si­ty of life, bring se­rio­us con­se­qu­en­ces, in­c­lu­ding loss of in­di­vi­du­ali­ty, com­mo­na­li­ty, and iden­ti­ty. We live as one or­ga­nism, we dre­am a com­mon dre­am, but so­me­ti­mes the awa­ke­ning from this tor­por co­mes too late... You wake up too late...




The event taook pla­ce in terms of Prze­strze­nie Sztu­ki - Te­atr pro­gram.


Prze­strze­nie Sztu­ki - Te­atr pro­gram is fi­nan­ced by the Mi­ni­stry of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge, re­ali­sed by The Zbi­gniew Ra­szew­ski  The­atre In­sti­tu­te.


The pro­gram is co-fi­nan­ced from the funds of the City of Łódź.


Or­ga­ni­ser: Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz


Co-or­ga­ni­zers: Mi­ni­stry of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge, The Zbi­gniew Ra­szew­ski The­atre In­sti­tu­te, City of Lodz


Part­ner: CHO­REA The­atre