retroperspektywy 19.08.22 ragnarok spektakl fot. agnieszka cytacka 45
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rps 23.08.22 fot. agnieszka cytacka 34
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retroperspektywy 19.08.22 ragnarok spektakl fot. agnieszka cytacka 127
Homepage / Performances / Current repertoire / Ragnarok


Cre­ators: CHO­REA The­atre, The Nor­we­gian Na­tio­nal Com­pa­ny of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Dan­ce - Car­te Blan­che

Pro­duc­tion: Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Di­rec­tion and cho­re­ogra­phy: Ad­rian Bart­czak

Mu­sic: To­masz Krzy­ża­now­ski / Arvo Pärt's piece "STABAT MATER" is used in the performance

Co­stu­mes and sta­ge de­sign: Mar­ta Góźdź - El Bruz­da

Di­rec­tor’s as­si­stants and dra­ma­tur­gy col­la­bo­ra­tion: Wik­tor Mo­ra­czew­ski

Cho­re­ogra­phic con­sul­ta­tions: An­na­bel­le Bon­néry

Cast: Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki, Maja Ca­ban, Jo­an­na Chmie­lec­ka, Mi­chał Jóź­wik, Mał­go­rza­ta Lip­czyń­ska, Anna Ma­szew­ska, To­masz Ro­do­wicz

Li­ght: To­masz Kru­kow­ski

So­und: Mar­cin Do­bi­jań­ski / Ka­rol Skrzy­piec

Po­ster: Fi­lip Ap­pel

Photos: Marcin Korbus

Pro­duc­tion co­or­di­na­tor: Ola Shaya

Pro­duc­tion: CHO­REA The­atre, Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki in Lodz, The Nor­we­gian Na­tio­nal Com­pa­ny of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Dan­ce - Car­te Blan­che
Arvo Pärt's piece "STABAT MATER", for mixed choir and string orchestra, from the CD "Pärt, A.: Stabat Mater", (in: Creator Spiritus, Harmonia Mundi Fr, 2011), is used in the performance. Performances are approved by Universal Edition A.G.

Pre­mie­re: 19.08.2022, In­ter­na­tio­nal The­atre Fe­sti­val Re­tro­per­spek­ty­wy

Du­ra­tion: 80 mi­nu­tes (no in­ter­mis­sions)

Vie­wers' age: 16+




Ra­gna­rok in Nor­se my­tho­lo­gy me­ans „the twi­li­ght of the gods”, or sim­ply the end of the old world and the be­gin­ning of a new one. Ho­we­ver, the ti­tle of our per­for­man­ce is the only di­rect re­fe­ren­ce that con­nects it with the my­tho­lo­gy. We felt that it mi­ght give ano­ther lay­er of in­ter­pre­ta­tion for the au­dien­ce, but at the same time we li­ked the fact that this term is so blunt with its me­aning.

The show is abo­ut a new world. And here we wan­ted to dive into the pro­ble­ma­tics of hu­ma­ni­ty. Re­la­tions be­twe­en pe­ople, con­nec­tion with one­self, and re­pre­sen­ta­tion of a so­cie­ty, but wi­tho­ut cer­ta­in ro­les or hie­rar­chy.


We are wor­king with the con­cept of li­mi­na­li­ty, which is fo­cu­sed on the „in-be­twe­en” pla­ce, that oc­curs in the cen­tral pha­se of the rite of pas­sa­ge. The pla­ce, whe­re the par­ti­ci­pants are no lon­ger the­ir old se­lves, but are not yet any­thing new. It is the am­bi­gu­ous pla­ce of pas­sing by. And we wan­ted the who­le per­for­man­ce to be that pla­ce. A kind of di­stor­ted si­tu­ation, a bit out of or­der or with some kind of ten­sion and un­com­for­ta­ble fe­eling.


Thro­ugh the who­le per­for­man­ce each ac­tress and ac­tor has hers and his own sto­ry and path, and thro­ugh some cros­sings the re­la­tions are hap­pe­ning. We were try­ing to un­der­li­ne this lo­ne­li­ness, even if the­re are some con­nec­tions hap­pe­ning. It is more abo­ut fin­ding this spe­ci­fic per­for­ma­ti­ve sta­te of ca­re­ful­ly li­ste­ning to my­self - and thro­ugh this ten­der and vi­gi­lant li­ste­ning - to tru­ly he­aring the others.




Per­for­man­ce cre­ated and pre­sen­ted in terms of „ACT IN_OUT” Pro­ject, or­ga­ni­zed by Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz, in co­ope­ra­tion with CHO­REA The­atre form Lodz and Nor­we­gian Na­tio­nal Com­pa­ny of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Dan­ce - Car­te Blan­che form Ber­gen, thanks to a grant form Nor­way Grants and EEA. Wor­king to­ge­ther for a gre­en, com­pe­ti­ti­ve and in­c­lu­si­ve Eu­ro­pe.


Pro­ject co-fi­nan­ced by the Mi­ni­stry of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge.


Pro­ject co-fi­nan­ced by the City of Łódź.


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