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Homepage / Performances / Current repertoire / Princesses


Creators: Open Women's Creative Collective "Kobiety Rakiety"

Direction and scenario: Julia Jakubowska

Cast: Katarzyna Gorczyca, Małgorzata Lipczyńska, Anna Maszewska

Scenography and costumes: Anna Adamiak

Makeup: Daria Szymańska / Alicja Dębowska / Julie Esther

Music: Piotr Matula

Light: Tomasz Krukowski / Maciej Kobalczyk

Sound: Marcin Dobijański / Karol Skrzypiec

Video: Norbert Serafin, Jakub Urbański

Photos: Agnieszka Cytacka Fotografia

Poster: Katarzyna Jasińska / Gra-Fika

Production: performance was produced as part of the Artistic Scholarship of the Department of Culture of the City of Łódź, in 2020, for Julia Jakubowska

Partners: UMŁ, Fabryka Sztuki, Teatr CHOREA, Ośrodek Kultury Górna 

Premiere: 30, 31.10.2020, stage in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz

Duration: 60 minutes

Viewers' age: 14 +




"Once upon a time, there she was, or maybe wasn't..."


"Begin. G e t  d o w n  t o  i t. Just as you clean the poisoned river. Get down to it, even if you are worried that you will not be successful. Even if you are afraid of a failure, begin anyway, and if you can’t have it otherwise, then fail, dust yourself off and start all over again. If it doesn’t work out again, then so what? Start all over again. It is not the failure that holds you back - this reluctance to start all over again causes stagnation”. 


(Clarissa Pinkola Estés,“Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype“)


The performance of “Princesses" is fairy-tale journey touching upon female archetypes and narrated from the perspective of Little Mermaid, Cinderella and Snow White. Spinning a tale together, story-telling considered to be a medicine to the ailments and problematics of contemporary women, being in search of safe space to be faced with the primary narration.




Projekt zrealizowany w ramach Stypendium Artystycznego Wydziału Kultury Urzędu Miasta Łodzi.

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Watch the photos by Agnieszka Cytacka fotografia


Watch the photos by Agnieszka Cytacka fotografia


Watch the photos by Agnieszka Cytacka fotografia


Watch the photos by Agnieszka Cytacka fotografia


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Watch the trailer by Hollybaba