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Homepage / Performances / Archive repertoire / Fall - Psychosomatic Gaym

Fall - Psychosomatic Gaym

Direction: Magdalena Paszkiewicz

Choreography: Magdalena Paszkiewicz, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Cast: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Music: Sebastian Klim

Sound and light: Maciej Kobalczyk

Fragments of texts from a Wojciech Kuczok novel „Senność”

Premiere: 21.08.2010, International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy, Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz

Duration: 50 minutes

Viewers' age: 16 +  




  1. 1. What fills my space is...

  2. 2. What constricts my space is...

  3. 3. What creates my space...


A. woman

B. men

C. loneliness


We are creating a space of a man, a male, incomplete... and filled with a story of limitations.


We are throwing him in various roles and parts, and we are throwing him out of himself.


We are allowing him to play a game with his own body, his conscience, his convictions and beliefs on himself and on the others. We are giving him a possibility to a costume the 'other' type of love and to search of „a boy in a man, or maybe of a man in a boy...”


But there is no escape form loneliness, and on its edge encroaches a schizophrenic isolation.




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