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Homepage / Performances / Archive repertoire / Schulz: Scraps

Schulz: Scraps

Based on texsts of Bruno Schulz

Creators: CHOREA Theatre

Direction: Konrad Dworakowski

Music: Paweł Odorowicz

Stage design and costumes idea: Konrad Dworakowski

Costumes and stage props: Anna Adamiak

Stage design constructor: Jacek Szumacher, Adam Galicki

Choreography consultations: Joanna Jaworska-Maciaszek

Cast: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Joanna Chmielecka, Michał Jóźwik, Majka Justyna, Małgorzata Lipczyńska, Tomasz Rodowicz

Musicians: Konrad Dworakowski (wheel fiddle, voice), Paweł Odorowicz (viola), Małgorzata Pawluk (cello)

Light: Kamil Urbanowicz

Sound: Maciej Kurzydłowski

Poster: Sweet Jesus

Production coordinator: Majka Justyna

Production: CHOREA Theatre, Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz

Premiere: 21.08.2020, stage in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz, International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2020

Duration: 30 minutes

Viewers' age: 16 +




"Matter has been given infinite fertility, inexhaustible vitality, and, at the same time, a seductive power of temptation which invites us to create as well."


“There is no dead matter (…) lifelessness is only a disguise behind which hide unknown forms of life. The range of these forms is infinite and their shades and nuances limitless.”


The diagnosed need to create visual, metaphorical and philosophical events finds its outlet in the poetic prose of Bruno Schulz. Based on a selection of subjects and stories by this author, we are creating a performative installation directed by Konrad Dworakowski. The theme of the performers' activities will be the creation of an internal space focused on the act of creation, freeing dreams and struggling with the elusiveness of concepts. We want to focus on the philosophical approach to the act of creation, releasing imperfect memory, explore the concepts of beauty, ugliness, death, creativity.


By searching and crossing the boundaries between human body and matter, we enter the creative process suggested by Jacob - the hero of Schulz's stories. We want to create a metaphor of the world, aiming together with the characters for an idyllic vision that is a longing for a world composed of the notions of phantasmagoria and desires. The goal of this process is the mythical republic of dreams from Schulz's short story. We will try metaphorically to enter into the competence of the Creator to create on the stage a man "in the image and likeness of a dummy" with all the consequences of this abuse. The usurper vision of creators will lead us through experiences that will examine the consequences of this act, thus referring to the contemporary vision of the world where corporality and spirituality re-evaluate their meanings.



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Watch the teaser by Hollybaba


Watch the photos by Polecam się - Piotr Wdówka