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Homepage / Performances / Archive repertoire / Tehillim / Psalms

Tehillim / Psalms

Creators: neTTheatre, CHOREA Theatre

Direction: Paweł Passini  

Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Maciej Maciaszek, Paweł Passini, Tomasz Rodowicz and fragments of traditional music of various cultures

Choreography: CHOREA Theatre

Light: Tomasz Krukowski

Visualisations: Maria Porzyc

Cast: Monika Dąbrowska, Dominika Jarosz, Anna Kaźmierak, Dominika Krzyżanowska Gorzkiewicz, Katarzyna Tadeusz, Iga Załęczna, Paweł Korbus, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Maciej Maciaszek, Paweł Passini, Tomasz Rodowicz

Premiere: 14.06.2008, Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz




The Theatre in the Network of Relations presents, discloses and restores the almost forgotten tradition of singing in the void.Psalms– songs of the beginnings, songs of a journey, the source of the very human – but still inspired – poetry, an embryo, a stem cell – DNA of culture and DNA of theatre. The image: ‘David’s Psalm For The Choir Director...’ – a crowd placed in the centre of the 21st century urban organism, is parting in front of a beautifully singing person – this transfer means exploration, disclosure, coming out. Tehillim/Psalms means a modern and radical reading of the Psalms from the perspective of the achievements of the greatest rebels of the 20th century – Antonin Artaud, Francis Bacon, Witold Gombrowicz. Culture therapy, regaining memory, rehabilitation of sensitivity. King David’s scream and the singing of stuttering Moses, who crosses a wilderness to reach the promised Europe.


Nowadays, the Psalms constitute the crossroads and a meeting point for Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Church worshippers and Jews. It is difficult to enumerate all the traditions of singing the Psalms or places where people do it. From Byzantium singing to negro spiritual; from Gregorian chant to modern rock and reggae versions; from traditional songs performed by Ethiopian Jews to modern versions by Leonard Bernstein – you can find old and absolutely modern versions on each continent. We want to learn, assimilate and present to a wide audience a small but representative fraction of this incredible wealth.